I’ve seen a fair amount of misconceptions, myths, and things that immediately make me think “yeah… no…” about Pinterest floating around.
I get it, though. There are so many platforms we’re all supposed to be keeping up with, and Pinterest has a lot of nooks and crannies that the average Joe doesn’t know about!
Since it’s my whole job to know about said nooks and crannies, I will happily squash all the Pinterest myths and rumors.
Friends don’t let friends worry about things they shouldn’t, so let’s make sure you’ve got the right information.
1. “Impressions/monthly viewers/followers are super important”
Now, I’m not saying these things don’t matter at all. Is it cool to see that a bunch of people saw your stuff this month? Heck yeah!
But it doesn't mean everything, especially depending on your goals on Pinterest.
Impressions + monthly viewers stats will let you know if your content is getting pushed out. That’s definitely a good thing to know.
If those numbers are weirdly low for seemingly no reason, you may have gotten stuck in the Pinterest spam filter - absolutely something you’d want to be aware of.
But having the seemingly coveted “1M+ monthly viewers” stamp on your profile doesn’t mean that you’re going to be drowning in inquiries and rolling in cash.
If you’re not converting those viewers, they’re kinda useless!
As for followers, Pinterest got rid of the "following" tab on everyone's homepage awhile ago. AKA people can't scroll through pins posted only by people they follow.
This means you don’t really need to be concerned about getting more followers as it isn’t the main way people will see your Pinterest content.
Also, my experience has shown that followers doesn't really correlate with things like website traffic. At all.
So focus on things like outbound clicks and saves instead. These numbers are a better indicator on how your content is resonating with people.
2. “Pin a bunch every day, and repin as much as you can”
Pinterest cares the most about fresh content now. Gone are the days that pinning and repinning 30+ times a day was a solid plan.
It’s all about quality over quantity on Pinterest, so even if you’re only able to pin once a day at first, that’s fine! Make it a valuable, fresh pin, and Pinterest will be happy.
I’d recommend repinning strategically to do things like help the algorithm know what your new boards are about, but otherwise, it's just additional activity that you don't need to prioritize.
3. “Use hashtags”
That’s gunna be a big #nope.
Pinterest toyed with hashtags for awhile, but they've moved on.
(Luckily, they’ve told us this directly. Unlike Instagram where I feel like we get different information all the time about yes use them, no don’t use them, only use 3 per post, no use 20 - what a headache!)
Instead, focus on including relevant keywords in a conversational manner everywhere you can (board descriptions, pin titles, pin descriptions, etc).
There’s a lot of bad advice out there 🙊
Pinterest, like the rest of these platforms we’re all on, is ever changing.
Unfortunately, there are people still talking about outdated practices that won’t necessarily HURT what you’re doing on Pinterest (well, some of them might), but they’ll definitely waste some of your time.
So, when you find yourself getting wrapped up in these parts of Pinterest that don't matter as much as the others, remember you have this permission slip to not care about them.
Signed by yours truly!
Got questions or other myths you want debunked? Send me a DM on Instagram and I’ll be happy to give you the truth!
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